Advisor Profile: Sam Eley
Sam Eley is a Senior Financial Planner at GFM Wealth Advisory.
Sam joined GFM Wealth Advisory in early 2021 after nearly eight years working for Perpetual Private as a Senior Financial Adviser to high net worth individuals and families.
His career in financial advice began in 2008, working for independent financial advisory practices while studying to further his career in financial planning. This has led to Sam having a holistic view of the financial advice process and a broad technical skill set to manage complex client affairs.
Sam also has a long family history in the advice industry, with his father, Phil, being a 30-year veteran of the industry and a Fellow of the Financial Advice Association Australia (FAAA). His brother, Jade, is also now the Managing Director of a financial planning practice in Adelaide.
Sam is an Associate Financial Planner® of the Financial Advice Association Australia and completed a Master of Financial Planning with Kaplan in 2018.
GFM has moved its business model to specialise in Self-Managed Superannuation Funds (SMSF). Although GFM has operated and managed SMSFs on behalf of clients since 1999, its significant growth has been largely attributed to GFM’s focus on managing SMSFs over the last fifteen years. Today, the vast majority of GFM’s client base is SMSF clients. The SMSF service offering is a complete “end to end” offering including SMSF set-up, administration, compliance, investment advice and accounting.
In 2003, GFM made a significant decision in applying for its own Australian Financial Services Licence (AFSL). The implication of GFM having its own AFSL is that we have no financial institution, bank or fund manager that dictates which investments they recommend or how clients are to be invested – GFM is 100% owned by the staff.
In 2013, GFM acquired accounting firm P. Gruchy and Associates, which has since been renamed GFM Gruchy Accounting. The acquisition has been critical for GFM as it allows the offering of not only comprehensive financial advice but also high-quality accounting solutions.
Sam is a member of the GFM Investment Committee, which meets monthly to research, select and monitor all the investments on the GFM Approved Investment List. Importantly, GFM has a strong philosophy of direct investing.
Sam is married to his wife Blair, and they have two young sons, Walker and Sullivan, and two cats. He enjoys travel, playing basketball twice a week and spending time with family and friends on the weekend.
He is an avid follower of the NBA and supports the Miami Heat. He is also a passionate supporter of the West Coast Eagles in the AFL.