Quarterly Business Lunch 2022 – Investing For Yield In A Low-Interest Rate Environment
We held our first Quarterly Business Lunch for the year on “Investing for yield in a low-interest rate environment” on Monday 9th May at Leonda by the Yarra. It was fantastic to see so many clients and guests join us for our first face to face event since February 2019, just before being locked down in March of that year.
The presenters on the day were GFM advisers – James Malliaros, Patrick Malcolm and Paul Nicol.
Their presentation provided an in–depth insight into our research and investment selection process, and a deep dive into investments that are suited for a yield orientated portfolio.
The topics covered included:
- With so many available investments, how do we filter down which companies or investments to research?
- The GFM research process
- What available tools do we (GFM) have to give us the edge when selecting investments?
- Why a reliable and growing yield is essential when in the retirement phase
- Our preferred investments for a yield orientated portfolio
The feedback from attendees was positive, with 95% rating the relevance/usefulness of the topic as “Excellent”.
The team enjoyed the opportunity catch up and chat with our clients.